2017年12月22日 星期五

Connect Mitsubishi Q series PLC with Ethernet by using C#

PLC setting

1. Open GX work 2 to set the protocol type and port of PLC.
2. Write the setting to PLC

PC setting

1.Open VS IDE
2.Select C#
3.refer Socket library
using System.Net.Sockets;
4.there are two types of protocol of PLC, TCP and UDP. Here we introduce both

5. TCP connection

5.1 Create TCP object
Socket mysocket = new Socket(SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

5.2 Create IP object
byte[] address = { 192, 168, 3, 39 }
IPAddress addr = new IPAddress(address);

5.3 Connect to PLC
the first parameter is IPAddress object, the rear one is port number of PLC, it can be set in GX work2.
mysocket.Connect(addr, 1001);

5.4 Checking
create a bool object to check the connection is successful or not.
bool result = mysocket.Connected;

6. UDP connection

6.1 Create UDP object
Socket mysocket = new Socket(SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);

6.2 Create IP object
See section 5.2

6.3 Connect to PLC
the first parameter is IPAddress object, the rear one is port number of PLC, it can be set in GX work2.
mysocket.Connect(addr, 1025);

6.4 Checking
create a bool object to check the connection is successful or not.
bool result = mysocket.Connected;



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