2017年2月1日 星期三

how to call pip on windows

For new starter as me.
pip is PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages. so if you want install some packages, you can use this.
1. initialize command line:

2. key in "cd" command and key in the needed directory/file location. In my case , I need to initialize pip, so I redirect to pip folder.
3. key in or paste the folder location
4. press Enter, then the system will redirect to the folder
5. you can call any file in this folder, in my case, I just call "pip"
6. press Enter, then the pip will run. the result as figure shown below.

7. Because I need to install beautifulsuop4 to do some web crawling application, so I key in "pip install beautifulsoup4"

8. press Enter, then the install process will run as figure shown below:
9. According to the figure , the process is successful.

Beautiful soup website:



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